Dr Tran's step by step programming lessons

Saturday 6 September 2014

Using opencsharp

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Now this was much simpler than I thought, and since I don’t anticipate going into OpenCV functions to alter them, I will just run with the DLLs of OpenCV.

- download gitgui for windows. This program will allow us to easily clone GitHub repositories to our hard drive.

- clone the opencvsharp
- bottom-right corner→ press clone to desktop → put in a location (I chose C:/opencvsharp)

- compile and run some sample code
- open the solution at C:\opencvsharp\sample
- build all
- set a project as startup project (I chose CStyleSamples)
- run (F5)

You should get these outputs.

It works!!! If you are having problems, please post questions here.

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